Optimization of Robust Aiming Strategies in Solar Tower Power Plants

AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishing (2019), 030045.

BibTex references


author = "Richter, Pascal and Kepp, Fynn and Büsing, Christina and Kuhnke, Sascha",

title = "Optimization of Robust Aiming Strategies in Solar Tower Power Plants",

booktitle = "AIP Conference Proceedings",

volume = "2126",

pages = "030045",

month = "July",

year = "2019",

publisher = "AIP Publishing",

note = "https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5117557",


Andere Publikationen in der Datenbank

» Pascal Richter
» Fynn Kepp
» Christina Büsing
» Sascha Kuhnke