Laudatio for Robert Pertsch Gilbert on the occasion of his 65th anniversary

Klaus Habetha, H. Begehr, G. Hsiao
In Generalized analytic functions (Graz, 1997), Kluwer Acad. Publ. (1998), xvii--xxvi.

BibTex references


author = "Habetha, Klaus and Begehr, H. and Hsiao, G.",

title = "Laudatio for Robert Pertsch Gilbert on the occasion of his 65th anniversary",

booktitle = "Generalized analytic functions (Graz, 1997)",

series = "Int. Soc. Anal. Appl. Comput.",

volume = "1",

pages = "xvii--xxvi",

year = "1998",

publisher = "Kluwer Acad. Publ.",

address = "Dordrecht",


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» Klaus Habetha
» H. Begehr