A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Local Access Network Expansion Problem

O.E. Flippo, A.W.J. Kolen, Arie M.C.A. Koster, R.L.M.J. van de Leensel
Technical Report 96/027, Universiteit Maastricht (1996).

BibTex references


author = "Flippo, O.E. and Kolen, A.W.J. and Koster, Arie M.C.A. and Leensel, R.L.M.J. van de",

title = "A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Local Access Network Expansion Problem",

institution = "Universiteit Maastricht",

number = "96/027",

year = "1996",

address = "Maastricht, The Netherlands",

note = "http://edocs.ub.unimaas.nl/auteur_zien.asp?pub_naam=rm&auteur=Koster",


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» O.E. Flippo
» A.W.J. Kolen
» Arie M.C.A. Koster
» R.L.M.J. van de Leensel