Generalized Riccati difference and differential equations

Gerhard Freiling, Gerhard Jank, Hisham Abou-Kandil
Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (Rotterdam, 1994) (1996), 291--303.

BibTex references


author = "Freiling, Gerhard and Jank, Gerhard and Abou-Kandil, Hisham",

title = "Generalized Riccati difference and differential equations",

booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (Rotterdam, 1994)",

volume = "241/243",

pages = "291--303",

year = "1996",


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» Gerhard Freiling
» Gerhard Jank
» Hisham Abou-Kandil